"Don't cats groom themselves...?"

Cats lick themselves constantly to remove debris and loose fur from their coat, so it does appear that the majority of cats are, in fact, ‘grooming’ themselves. In reality, they are only spreading saliva though their coat and ingesting large amounts of hair that, in turn, lead to hairballs. 

Unfortunately, their saliva does not contain any magical enzymes, shampoo, a comb, or nail clippers.  Cats often suffer from matted coats, shedding hair, dandruff, grease and oils, litter box odour, feces, long sharp claws, fleas, hairballs, stud tail and chin acne. 

We want to help your cat and you!
 How can grooming help my cat? 

Reduces hairballs because of reduced shedding.

Reduce shedding from a real wet bath and hand blow dry. 

No more mats and tangles with regular maintenance.  You wouldn't let your own hair tangle all year and shave it off annually would you?

Remove pelted, painful matting.

Clean and re-moisturize skin and coat, reducing dandruff and dander.

Keep him cool and comfortable with a Lion Cut or Teddy Trim.

Never again battle him to comb out shed hair or dangerously cut out mats with scissors.

Keep sharp claws from growing into pads,or cutting into furniture or skin.
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